Answers to your frequently asked questions are here, lovelies.

  1. Okay really, a camp fire? How? So, we have a whole blog post about it but it’s really simple when you think about it. How long has coffee been around? thousands of years, right? How did people roast coffee for the 900+ years before the modern roaster was built? That’s right…over a campfire. Our method isn’t so much “new” as it is kind of out-of-favor. In all fairness, modern roasters make the process SUPER easy and give the roaster full control of the process. Our approach, while much more sensory driven (we don’t use fancy computer programs and gadgetry) is more about working with the environment and elements to produce a more “natural” style of coffee. Something that we believe is unique and more dynamic than typical “3rd wave” coffee. But really, to-may-toe, to-mah-toe. It’s really a matter of preference, ours just so happens to be wood as opposed to the gas our counterparts utilize.

  2. Got it, but how do you maintain consistency? It’s magic. If we tell you, well, you know how that story ends. No but seriously, the short answer is it takes a lot of work of knowing and respecting the fact that every wood species burns differently and every origin of coffee roasts different. It’s also respecting the elements and how the influence our process. All that in mind, we know our “sweet spot” and aim to hit that every time we fire up the fire box.

  3. I love your outdoor mission, how can I support? There are a number of ways you can help us get more underserved communities into outdoor spaces.

    a) Donate some gear

    b) Ask about hosting a 101 session at the shop

    c) Support monetarily

  4. I want to work for Campfire are you hiring? We may not always be hiring, but we’re always looking because things change all the time in our line of work. So if you can see yourself snuggled up behind the bar slinging lattes or doing something else at Campfire - feel free to drop us a line.

  5. I want to carry your products, how can I do that? We’re always honored when good organizations want to carry our goodies. Drop us a line at and we’ll be in touch!

  6. My outdoor organization wants to run a fundraiser with the custom label and custom beans, how do we get started? We love love love some fundraisers! That’s kind of our thing, let’s talk.

  7. I have an incredible outdoor product I want Campfire to carry, who do I need to talk to. Well, we’re not a very big team lol. We literally have one email address so send us some info to and if you’re ever in Tacoma, feel free to drop some samples by the shop.